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Christ Restoration Endtime Ministry


Here at Christ restoration end time ministry, we believe that giving financially is just one of the ways we worship God.

financially is just one of the ways we worship God we believe that it is God who gives all we have including our finances therefore we have to honor him with them.

We give in respond to all God has given us knowing that God holds nothing back from us even given his own son Jesus Christ.

We invite you to join us in worship through the use of your finance by giving cheerfully regularly and generously to the work of Christ restoration ministry so we can make Jesus known in our city and around the world.

We appreciate your support for a new place to worship.Thank you,and may God bless you.


ACCOUNT NAME :Aketey Freda Yawa Krisztus Restauráció HUF

LOCAL: 18203033-06042572-40010018

IBAN: HU50182030330604257240010018

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